The printed copies of 'Land of the Ever-Living Ones' have arrived from the printer. It's nice to have them well in advance of the launch and not to be worrying about whether they will arrive on time. I decided to put the new novella up against my other books, 'Island of the Setting Sun' and 'Newgrange: Monument to Immortality'. I think they look really well together. They are three very vivid and well designed covers. Being a much smaller book, LOTELO looks almost like the baby with its parents in this picture!
The Amazon Kindle version has begun to sell, and people are already reading it, which is fantastic. Don't forget, if you like it, give it a positive review. This would be very much appreciated. And it might help to sell a few more.
In the meantime, don't forget to check out the book's official blog page here, and also my new author profile on Good Reads. Also, you can read more about Land of the Ever-Living Ones on its Facebook page.